Opi d'Aqui
Philippe Formentin
A first meeting at the Goulayance show organized at the Point Ephémère in Paris, 6 years ago. And there, a big slap in the face with the Massale cuvée, one of the most beautiful rosés we had the chance to taste!
Philippe Formentin we have kept warmly in our minds and we are very happy to be able to propose the creations of this talented winemaker.
At the same time, he has traveled and learned a lot from Philippe: in the Languedoc, but also in Corsica, in India, or in the United States.
Opi d'Aqui was born from an encounter in 2011 that was decisive for him. He crossed paths with a winemaker growing magnificent grenaches on the heights of Vendémian, in the Hérault. His encounter with natural wine.
The following year, his own domain was launched.
Today, he owns 3 small plots near Clermont-l'Hérault.
Also, he buys grapes cultivated at least according to the precepts of organic agriculture but also for some, of biodynamics.
Opi d'Aqui are wines full of pep and finesse, fruity vintages that are always a pleasure to taste.