François Ecot
He is recognized by his peers as one of the best winemakers in the territory! It is true that what he offers us is rather of the delicious ...
Bold, eccentric, François Ecot is passionate, he loves to share, transmit, and gives lessons in training centers.
Before starting his winemaker activity, he carried out several lives and notably worked in New York, where he was importer of wines.
Then he chose Burgundy to settle, Yonne precisely, in the village of Mailly-le-Château. He bought a few plots where he planted Pinot Noir, Pinot d'Aunis, Gamay, but also much rarer grape varieties, such as the Abouriou, the Pinot Beurot or the César.
In parallel, he also trades, and is very attentive to the selection of selected grapes!
Pure, frank, very elegant. His wines are tall, very large.